Is Search Engine Marketing Contagious?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 · Posted in , , , , ,

Sure it is! Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is highly contagious. It catches like wildfire, and a good portion of online and offline business owners are reactive actively in their SEO efforts. This means that SEO and Marketing efforts are implemented because the competition is launching an SEO campaign as well. The only way to stay relevant and compete is to fight back! 
All it takes is a website owner of a lackadaisical or dormant website to see their competition rising from page 42 to page 2 and the race begins! If you launch a website with close to zero optimization, it's no wonder why you have no leads coming through that amazing website you've just paid to have built. Most web designers don't know their right foot from SEO or how to implement it. Integraphix works SEO into all of our web designs from the beginning, giving you a leg up on the competition.
Some of your first thoughts after a few months of having your website up is 'I have a gorgeous new website - what's wrong?' 
After some investigation, you'll fine something called search engine optimization (SEO for short). Now you realize that without this, there's a good chance that you're not visible online. You start to get a little panicked and research all the vendors that offer it. There is an endless sea of search engine marketing companies so come to the company that is doing it right!
Over the years, the idea has spread through the web like wildfire, and has created a contagious atmosphere of up and coming SEOs. The point is - search engine optimization should be proactive and readily sought after. Do NOT wait until you see your competitors in th search results because once they're there, it's hard to catch up because so much time has already been spent getting there. Playing catch up takes time.
Don't wait! Call Integraphix, a Chicago SEO Company, today for a FREE Internet Marketing Analysis.
847.537.0067 or email us!

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